This is for Prompt 17 of my Soul Journal group. We had to use our power images~"images that speak to us". These images are the ones we use all the time. I find myself using birds, eggs and nests ALL THE TIME!!! There has got to be a subliminal message in them for me. I can only guess...taking flight (bird)? New life/ The cycle of life(egg)?
I guess you can call these images my warm fuzzy images.
Let me get back to the prompt. Here is a partial message from Kathryn:
Basically with this page there are a couple of ideas to consider:
1. Painting with paper rather than paints, or pencils.
2. Creating a landscape.
(Oops! I didn't do that...)3. Starting from a place of gratitude and in this case thinking back
on the things you were grateful for in 2008.
4. Create a place for your power image(s) that will inspire you
towards reaching your vision in 2009.
What I did do, instead of covering my words with my art, was make a flip page. If you lift the bird, you can read my text and also view some more thoughts and art. Again, a very relaxing journey.
I really do encourage all of you to art journal. It is very cathartic. Now, can it help me lose weight?