I went to a church rummage sale today with Gary. I had planned on being there earlier in the day, but job hunting must take priority. So, after applying for a teaching position and copying all the paper work that goes along with THAT task, Gary and I were on our way.
We got to the sale quite late (after 12:00 noon) and as you all know, as far as rummage sales are concerned, the good stuff is gone already. However, the good news is that after 12:00, everything was FREE! Yup, they just wanted to get rid of everything. Gary found a Scott's seed spreader for the lawn (we had one just like it years ago), and I found a pair of Mikasa champagne flute glasses that were brand spankin' new! I just couldn't believe they we still there; they were marked $3.00 initially.
Then...we came across this table. This very red, very primitive table. I think it was originally a prop for a play. It's VERY, and I mean VERY primitive in its design and make. But, being that it was free, Gary wanted it. So, in the trunk it went and to the hardware store we go.

As you can see, it was primed. I wish I had taken the pictures BEFORE it was primed. You would be laughing your head off if you're not already. The table legs are at different angles and roughly cut. We are putting this in the entry way of our house, with the back of the table actually being the front. Now, mind you, we are going to paint this table a sage green and try to paint it or decorate it somehow. If worse comes to worse, I'm going to make a table skirt for it. AND, if it still looks like crap, no harm done. Remember, after all, it was free!
I'll upload the finished pictures as soon as I have them. Wish me luck!