So, after much thought and meditation, I decided to once again grab a hold of my life and lose weight and get in shape. Moving is not a good thing for me, both across the country and physically~LOL! It just seems that every time we move, I get fat. Then I get lazy. Not a good thing. It's not like I'm obese; I'm just carrying around an extra 40 pounds that I can stand to get rid of. So, After I get back from the gym today I'm going to document my weight (gulp...) and how I'm doing on my diet. It really scares me to let you all know how much I weigh, but I'm thinking that you can be the support I need to stay motivated. I don't like the way I look right now. But more importantly, I don't like the way I feel. I don't feel healthy. So, come along on this journey with me. And please feel free to join me. I would love to have people to go back and forth with on this loooooong road that I'm on.

BTW...I'm doing the South Beach Diet. I owe this to a childhood friend that has also fought her weight her entire life and she's the one that suggested it. (I don't know why she diets...she's always looked great). Thanks Jackie!!!
Let the games begin!!!
(And yes, this is a digital collage. I was way too lazy to make a paper one!)
Ouch! That scale hurt! I'm at the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and I cried. I weigh 174 pounds; I think more than half of that is in my boobs. The good news is, is that I'm ready to commit to this life change. It's time. I don't want to become diabetic and I want off of my high blood pressure meds. And, I want to live long enough to enjoy my grandkids. So, I'm doing it.The personal trainer was an absolute doll. Becki is very committed to her clients and she is ready to take this journey with me. I met with her again next Wed. for more training. However, I'll be at the gym first thing tomorrow morning.
Good for you! You won't believe how much better you will feel. I hit my wall in October last year, realizing I was at my heaviest weight and needed to lose 20 lbs. To some, that may not sound like much but I've never had a weight problem so it was new to me. I decided, "THAT'S IT"!!! I started walking, cut out carbs for quite a while, cut out sugar, and also caffeine which helped so much regulating my ups and downs. I haven't weighed myself in about 3 months but at last check, I'd lost 25 lbs. and I feel great! I heard a quote... "Nothing tastes better than thin".. I say this to myself still, when I'm tempted.
Good luck with your new lifestyle, Sandee! I was just diagnosed with Celiac Disease yesterday so my life will change radically and since I can no longer eat anything made from gluten - I can't help but think I'll lose some weight (no more beer either!). Your latest art is beautiful (as always) and I'm sorry I'm not a more faithful follower.
I have no doubt you can do it, sweet sandee! I'll be there to cheer you onward! :)
As I'm writing this comment, I can see your brother's beautiful hands playing his bass guitar. I always thought that bassists had the strongest and most expressive hands! My Shea has those same kind of hands. It's a nice, warm feeling/thought for the morning. Thank you sweets! LOVE YOU!!!
Sandee, your digi collage is just wonderful, and I wish you luck for your efforts! Takes courage to do that publicly ...
Sandee---I am very proud of you!! I know you can do it (hey, if i can you certainly can) Any questions feel free to call.
BTW, Still numb from the dentist but all went well : )
I'm with you Sandee....I also need to lose some weight. We can do this together! (Mind you, it depends on your height of course...174 lbs is perfectly normal if you are fairly tall! I'm only 5' 2" so cannot carry much weight.)
Just eat healthily and exercise...thats what I'm trying to do.
Love the digi collage.
Linda x
I am SO proud of you! Way to go! You've taken the most important step by being honest with yourself with your weight (online besides!) and by knowing that you have to make the change. Baby steps and don't expect too much too soon. It took me 8 weeks to see a change and then the "high" was so big that going to the gym was FUN! Please know that I am behind you 100% and am an email away if you get down or want to skip the gym! It's taken me a year to loose 20#'s ~ but I am in the best shape of my life (at 59). YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
I know you sandee, you can do ANYTHING!
Your latest art is amazing!!!!!!
You just get better and better!
I love the digital collage (and I refuse to consider digital art the lazy way). Congratulations on your resolve and determination. I'm still thinking I should do something, but not taking any action. I admire your determination.
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