OK...I vented!
I have worked on 3 RR journals and wanted to share them with you. All three are for one Yahoo group that I belong to. For some reason, the mailing got all screwy but at least they're all safe! The first spread is for Bonnie. She turns 60 this year and wanted that number represented somewhere on her spread. Her color was sepia and her theme was Time Flies.

This spread is for Donna. Her color was blue and she didn't have a theme. I work so often with vintage images that I thought a change would be good for me. I like the way this came out...

This is for Martha. Her colors were whites, pastels and a hint of red. Her journal is an old children's dictionary. What a fun book to work in! The photo is of relatives of mine whom I never met. Unfortunately they perished in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. I like using pictures of my relatives when I can; it makes me feel like they didn't die in vain.